This is the first design which I am trying to bead. Oh my....they took double the time which I usually require to bead for the top of the dress.
The more common RAW dresses which uses micro filament to make are easier as the pattern mostly repeats.
Beads stitch dress requires me to take note of when to "step up" after each row and when I have to add extra beads. The gaps in between each row of beads are smaller and makes the dress looks nicer.
After 3.5hours of beading, I have finished the top. The zircon bead in the centre of the top is indeed stunning and sparkly.
How bent the needle was after the top was done and changed another needle.
After 5 hours of beading.
After 6 hours of beading. The beading gets easier after the dress takes its shape and I just have to bead round the dress continuously.
After 6.25 hours of beading, the second part is completed. I'm almost hitting the 390 minutes of required time as stated on the pattern and I have only finished two parts of the dress.
After 7 hours, I am halfway into part 3 of the dress.
After 7.5 hours of beading.
I am into the last row of the dress for part 3 of the pattern.
Beading the pearls as embellishments.
It's completed.
Hi there! Saw your lovely dress. It’s gorgeous. Would u mind sharing the patterns with me please ? I would love to try too