Sunday 13 October 2013

Basics of How to Understand Beads Dress Patterns

This is going to be a tutorial on how to understand a beads dress pattern. 
A beads dress pattern are always in two format: 
1) "Trace the line" diagram
2) "Table form" diagram

The patterns used in my patterns are only in "Trace the line" format. You have to work with both end of a thread for beads dress on general.

1) Japanese and Taiwanese represent the beads in their patterns in different words.

The Japanese:
特小 means 15/0 seed beads
丸小 means 11/0 seed beads
丸大 means 8/0 seed beads

The Taiwanese:
1mm means 15/0 seed beads
2mm means 11/0 seed beads
3mm means 8/0 seed beads

2) How to know where to start on a beads dress pattern?
Look for the star or the "Red & Blue" line to know where to start.

3) How to "step up" to a new row?
Simply trace the line at the end of each row!

4) Repeated patterns
RAW in group of four beads or five beads are VERY commonly seen in beads dress patterns.

5) The beads dress patterns for almost every dress starts from the waist upwards(for the top) and/or from the waist downwards(for the bottom/skirt)
6)What length to cut for the thread?

You can start with any length as you can join it anywhere when it becomes too short. A minimum manageable length would be 30cm for the sleeve and one metre the top or bottom.

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